Kids love the Good Person Passport.
I know this to be true from experience when I saw parents give a copy of the book and passport to their daughter. Their daughter promptly dropped the book and started reading the passport.
It is small, kid-size, simple, and cute.
The passport is shown all throughout the book, but is not actually mentioned until the final page when Pippili finishes her passport.
The “Words for Kids” page on the website was created to help parents explain some of those big words. With the simplified definition is an example from the book where Pippili completed that page in her passport.
Young kids love to make their parents proud. The passport is a way for kids to do just that.
Take the time to explain to them that as they do the same good things that Pippili did, they will get a checkmark in their passport. Or maybe you want to use a sticker, or some other cool way.
Make it fun.
I would encourage you to use the passport for positive motivation as it was intended.
And celebrate every completed page. And celebrate every completed passport.
When we encourage good behavior, the result is more good behavior.
And we are making a change one little person at a time.